Found in Kentucky ‘THE’ Glazed Donut

I am one who usually strays away from the classics always in search of finding the most unique and generally the sweetest donut out there. Yet here it was ‘THE’ Glazed Donut in Kentucky. 

Up on the chalkboard menu the name seemed so simple I almost disregarded it as my eyes and stomach flew to the Funfetti (which they happened to be out of.) It wasn’t until we saw it, the square-shaped donut still with the classic and defining donut hole sitting on the tray. We inquired about the unusual donut and then chose it. It happened to be their Glazed Donut. We rounded our order out with their Funnel Cake Donut, Monkey Bites, and a Cinnamon Sugar Donut. 

North Lime Coffee & Donuts in Lousiville Kentucky craftily plays with different types of dough creating a very special donut experience. Usually, the flavors we chase after in our many donut trips come from the filling and the frosting, and here was a place focused all on the dough. Which changed and manipulated the texture of the sweet.  Although it was a genius way of changing and innovating the donut, not every donut seemed to make the mark as a finished product. 

Funnel Cake Donut

This donut brought us to a loud, chaotic carnival with the summer’s classic flavor of funnel cake. The bites however were bigger and less crunchy on the donut than the frailed tiny crisped funnel cake. The texture of the donut was thick, heavy, and too much. Between two people we had a hard time finishing one donut. We sipped down our water with it, however a freshly squeezed lemonade may have paired better. 

Glazed Donut 

‘THE’ Glazed Donut. To be super honest here, we chose this squared donut for a photo but honestly, it was so much more. It was so light, fluffy, and airy in comparison to the heavy Funnel Cake. You would take a bite and it was full of sweet nothinesses. It was like a croissant. A delightful glazed croissant. It was a hipster’ed’ donut. A donut trying not to be a donut but after all the work still ended up being a donut. I was wowed. Honestly a donut I have never had before (and believe me I have had donuts!) 

This cute old coffee shop was located perfectly in front of a police station in what felt like, to a traveler, an old warehouse district. 

Not only did I walk away from this place with creative donuts, but I also got a fun sticker to remind myself of this Louisville trip. 

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