Lakeview: Toasting to the Weekend at Cosby’s Kitchen

I woke up hungry on a Saturday in the city. Sipping on a coffee that I somehow managed to brew from the small number of grounds left in the bag, I waited for the rest of my people to wake up so we could go and have brunch.

The wait was worth it. My mom, sister, and I were in the city, Lakeview to be exact. A place of endless brunches and Mimosas! Sorry to tease you, but this brunch isn’t about Mimosas. It is, however, a (French) ‘Toast’ to the weekend. 

A weekend that started early with a late-night Friday with my sister and mom. Of course, the late night didn’t stop me from waking up at an early 7:00 am. 

Once we were all finally awake, we quickly chose a nearby place to dine. And off we walked the few blocks to Cosby’s Kitchen

Time to Brunch at Cosby’s Kitchen

The wait was finally over, as we were seated right away. We sat in a corner booth, Away from the bar. I took note of the country meets industrial flair decor of Cosby’s Kitchen.

They too, like many brunch spots, hung up the traditional egg picture on their wall. They also had large paintings of Mason Jars with ingredients inside. And cupboards with knick-knacks. 

We excitedly browsed through the Saturday and Sunday brunch menu. I, as usual, spotted the sweets section and locked in on the French Toast. My sister chose the Lakeview Omelet and my mom ordered the Fried Egg Sandwich.

The waiter took our order and in what felt like no time at all our food appeared which was great because we were all ravenous! 

I took a bite. No syrup, just the French Toast. It was delicious!

After the first bite I of course poured syrup, and lots of it! Not because it needed it. On its own, it was flavorful and sweet. I was starving and the syrup, which is always good, was right in front of me!

Cosby's Kitchen in Lake View.

Lucky for me my mom let me try a bite of the Fried Egg Sandwich. It was really good! It had over-easy eggs that ran when you took a bite. Which added an unexpected and fun texture to the sandwich. 

After brunch at Cosby’s Kitchen, I was all sugared up and ready to take on Saturday, and the walk back of course! 

We walked past the cute stores of Southport that were still closed early in the morning talking of our yummy brunch and making plans for the day. 

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