Beach Weather: Summerfest 2023 Artist Spotlight

The longer the set went on the more I felt like I was watching “The Monkeys” or perhaps, “The Partridge Family.” To be specific, I was watching the part of the TV show where the band sings their songs in a concert format. You know that part either just prior to the drama beginning or the wrap-up and good feels of the ending. The 8:00 pm performance by Beach Weather at Summerfest on June 30 felt like a full set of that concert scene.

What really stood out to me was just how similar their performance style is to the shows above. Each member was given a spot and that is where they stayed.

It was an especially stark difference when compared to the way I’m used to seeing a performance. Well, at least one that falls into the rock category. Maybe it was the invention of longer cords or wireless mics, but anytime I see a live performance I expect to see that 80’s and 90’s rock-n-roll dance vibe where band members freely move around the stage improving and interacting with the crowd. The image of a guitarist dashing all the way from stage left to stage right to engage in a wild hair-banging excursion where they shred the guitar comes to mind.

However, for Beach Weather, despite looking like young dancers frantically looking for their cued x marks the spot, the members of the band seemed to stay close to their carpet. 

That isn’t to say they didn’t dance and vibe and shred to their indie rock music, it was just on a more individual, less dynamic, level. 

The Big Backyard Stage during the performance of Beach Weather.
Watching Beach Weather perform on the Big Backyard stage during Summerfest 2023.

Beach Weather ‘s Loud Outfits Make a Splash

Ultimately, it wasn’t just the static set-up that made me think of “The Monkey’s” and the “Partridge Family.” Beach Weather’s outfits would easily fit right in during the time period when those shows aired. A mix of 60’s to 70’s inspired their colorful and loud outfits. On stage, there were striped pants. A silk yellow/green shirt. One kaleidoscope patterned button down. Plus, a few members had a bandana tied around the neck.

However, despite their time-locked appearance the music seemed fresh. Overall, it wouldn’t be out of place on an indie rock radio station.

When it came to the focal point of the music and the stage set up everything was centered around frontman Nick Santino. He often acted with flair and a rockstar swagger in his carpet spot while pumping up the crowd. His efforts were ultimately rewarded, and the crowd stood on the bleachers despite the group’s relatively early set.

As for the music, repetitive lyrics made their radio music easy to sing along to, and the crowd obliged. Their songs had a breezy tropical, or at least summer feel to them. Sort of like “The Beach Boys,” a band who also tends to perform with everyone in their spots.

Even though they may have been attached to spots, the band was very energetic and had a strong stage presence. The Rockstar vibe came off almost aggressively strong, which again, seemed to be at odds with their stationary stage presence.

If Beach Weather seems like your vibe, you are in luck. The group will play local alternative station Q101’s Piqniq Fest at Northerly Island on July 30th. Tickets for the 5 artist mini-fest are on sale now for as low as $41.30 with fees.

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