Cullah: Summerfest 2023 Artist Spotlight

As Cullah took the stage for his 6:15 set on Friday, June 30th set bugs began to swarm the Oasis Stage. You could see immediately how it created a challenging environment to play in as the crowd and artists alike swatted mosquitos alike. While the bugginess would persist throughout the set, Cullah nonetheless persisted and put on a truly enjoyable show.

With a 1960’s vibe and some jazz tones, the large ensemble played a unique sound that seemed fit for a cocktail lounge ripped from an era long past.

What reinforced this to me was the unpredictability of the songs. Just as you thought you knew where a piece was taking you, it would take an unexpected turn. It wasn’t a simple change of pace but oftentimes a slight genre shift. Without knowing the band, these shifts were a bit jarring and beautiful all at once. It was like 2 songs packaged into one. The artists were like D.J. ‘s remixing their original as an original. 

Although previously recorded, this had the feel of musical improv, especially considering their roots in Jazz. 

Overall, their music felt incredibly artistic, and the group’s stage presence was incredibly laid back and relaxed. Each musician often grooved in their own spot and the set overall was fairly static, only reinforcing the jazz club vibe. Their outfits reflected their own individuality and uniqueness. However, most of the pieces seemed to, like their music, draw inspiration from the 60’s, creating some cohesion. 

Cullah on the Oasis Stage during Summerfest 2023.
Cullah on the Oasis Stage during Summerfest 2023.

Cullah – An Instrumental Success

Even though there were vocals and lyrics to the song, the main focus was on the instruments. Throughout the set there were several spectacular saxophone solos. In addition, tambourines and bells rang out through a couple of songs, once again giving me a 60’s vibe.

Ultimately the instrumental nature, 60’s vibe, and jazz club sound all combined to deliver a truly cohesive experience that in my opinion, just worked.

It felt like there was a big family and friend’s presence in the crowd, as he announced it was his sister’s birthday and led the crowd in the song wishing her a happy birthday. 

Bugs Take Over

Towards the end of the set, the aforementioned bugs began to finally get to us as they dove and dined. It eventually had to leave the set and seek shelter. Luckily the Summerfest store was nearby, and we were able to duck in for a few. I may have even walked away with a few souvenirs.

Cullah will be back in Milwaukee for a concert cruise aboard Edelweiss Boat Lines on Thursday, September 14th. Tickets are currently going for $38 and includes a 2-hour cruise along the Lake Michigan shoreline.

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