Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Wrigley Field

Waking up to a gorgeous spring day was ultimately the deciding factor for what our plans for the day would be. With that in mind, we clicked through several ticket sites and purchased day-of tickets to the April 8th edition of the Chicago Cubs vs. Texas Rangers. After all, it was too beautiful of a day to not see some baseball! 

We got dressed quickly and we were soon off to Chicago! We were starving, so we snagged a quick lunch at Redhot Ranch but soon enough our footsteps were carrying us towards Wrigley.  Lakeview’s streets were filled with people mulling around and enjoying the day. As we neared the field it only got busier and busier. 

Knowing the gates were not even opened yet we ducked inside the Cubs stores around Wrigleyville. Inside, the stores mirrored the loud, bustling streets. Ultimately, we decided against a purchase as with how close we live to Wrigley we knew we would come back, possibly on a non-game day for souvenirs. Not to mention we knew that there was a free souvenir waiting for us at the gates!

Here for a Good Time & a Hat

Bound and determined to receive the winter hat, a giveaway/promotion for the early season spring game I had us get there at 1:00 pm for a 3:05 pm game.

Indeed, we got the hat, but we also got there way too early! 

It is a great hat! Dark blue, with red stripes, and a light blue one. The front had a Cubs logo that included the Chicago Municipal logo, Chicago’s version of the hidden Mickey, on it. The top of the hat also has a fluff ball! On the back is a Jim Beam patch. 

Me in my new ‘giveaway’ Cubs hat!

Having arrived as early as we did, we had the opportunity to watch the stadium fill up as people trickled in, most wearing their new hats. Meanwhile, on the field, the grounds-crew was preparing the field for today’s ballgame.

I was amused by the amount of people it took to wash down the diamond. A team, consisting of 4 or so people, maneuvered this thick long hose as they wetted down the sand. Despite it being early in the season, they seemed to be in practice and knew the steps well. An important job I suppose. 

After a while of relaxing and people watching we got up for a walk around the stadium. It was getting pretty crowded at that point, as the concourses and Vendor areas seemed squishy as people rushed by. With how crowded it was, it became hard to take in the various options for food and souvenir combos. 

Those Stadium Vibes

As far as food options went the new (life-size) Beer Bat seemed to be a hit, regardless of how impractical it looked to drink out of.

Having already eaten and looking to accomplish Wrigley on a budget, we were wandering around more or less to keep warm, get a few steps in, and take in the sights. When it comes to keeping warm, despite being a beautiful day in the sun, it was that awkward spring temperature where sitting in the shade is cold enough for the winter hat to be needed!

After perusing the gift shops and snagging a few photos we wandered back to the 1st base line where our seats were waiting for us.

Our seats were located in the foul ball zone, which kept me on the edge of my seat, ready to play catcher, the entire game. Luckily it never came to that. I am awful at sports! 

The view from our seats at the end of the first baseline.

Play Ball!

Not long after arriving at our seats the national anthem was sung, the first pitch was thrown, and it was time for baseball!

The game itself was pretty exciting. In almost each inning it seemed like the Cubs got at least one run in. Even when they weren’t scoring there was tons of action, and the crowd was roaring.

Soon enough it was 5-2 Cubbies, and we were sing-shouting (sorry voice teachers of the past!) “Take me out to the Ball Game” during the 7th inning stretch.

This was also the first time we went to a professional game with the new pitch clock. Last year only the minor league games we went to had them. We ultimately were in and out in just under 3 hours from the first pitch! I definitely enjoyed the faster-paced and more action-packed game.

 We ultimately ended up cheering the Cubs to a 10-3 win!

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